Reported Questions

Reported Questions

·         Direct speech: Where do you live?
·         Discurso directo: ¿Dónde vives?

In fact, it's not so different from reported statements. The tense changes are the same, and we keep the question word. The very important thing though is that, once we tell the question to someone else, it isn't a question any more.

De hecho, no es tan diferente de las declaraciones informadas. Los cambios de tiempo son los mismos y mantenemos la palabra de pregunta. Sin embargo, lo más importante es que, una vez que le contamos la pregunta a otra persona, ya no es una pregunta.

·         Direct speech: Where do you live?
·         Reported speech: She asked me where I lived.
·          Discurso directo: ¿Dónde vives?
·         ¿Cómo podemos hacer el discurso informado aquí?

·         Direct speech: Where is Julie?
·         Reported speech: She asked me where Julie was.
·          Discurso directo: ¿Dónde está Julie?
·          Discurso informado: Ella me preguntó dónde estaba Julie.

Direct Question
Reported Question
Where is the Post Office, please?
She asked me where the Post Office was.
What are you doing?
She asked me what I was doing.
Who was that fantastic man?
She asked me who that fantastic man had been.

Direct Question
Reported Question
Do you love me?
He asked me if I loved him.
Have you ever been to Mexico?
She asked me if I had ever been to Mexico.
Are you living here?
She asked me if I was living here.


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