Was/were going to and was/were supposed to

Was/were going to and was/were supposed to Function: 1. We use going to in the past to talk about plans and intentions that didn’t happened. 2 . We use supposed to in the past to talk about things we were expected to do that we didn’t do. Form: Was/were going to + base form Was going to pay for them. I was going to see what they looked like in daylight. was/were supposed to base form You were supposed to for them before you left the store. Examples: ü I was going to call you. We weren’t going to come but we changed our minds. ü You were supposed to copy Valerie in on all the emails. ü Wasn't going to go to the party(but I guess I will) ü I wasn't supposed to go by myself (but I'll have to). ü I wasn't going to go to the party(but I guess I would) ü I was...