
Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2018


INFINITIVE CLAUSES WITH IMPERSONAL IT Function We use it´s (not) + adjective+ infinitive clause when we want to use the adjective to describe an action or situation. This means the same as using the gerund as a subject. Adjective: o       Important o      Good o      Better o      Essential o      Difficult o      Hard o      Possible o      Exciting Form It´s (not) Adjective Infinitive clause It´s Important To take a break twice a day. Good To do this project in 24 hours. Better To guess what will happen. Essential To get a some sleep. Examples: o      It´s important to consider what career you want later. o      It´s difficult to get a job right now, but don’t give up. o      It´s essential to take for her to the hospital. Exercise:  1.        It's surprising see that it is so light and clear.      Correct         Incorrect 2.        It's


WISH AND IF ONLY REGRETS Function We use wish/if only+ past perfect to talk about things we would like to change about the past.                          To express a regret.                       The action is past.  Form Wish/if only+ past perfect Subject + wish + past perfect I wish I had learned to play a musical instrument when I was younger. I wis h I had been more adventures. I definitely wish I hadn’t smoked If only + subject + past perfect If only I had change careers years ago. If only he would stop talking while I´m driving. If only they didn’t live so far away.       Examples: ©     Any wishes he´d eaten a healthy diet. ©     I wish I hadn’t argued with my friend. ©     I wish I had a best work. ©     I wish I hadn’t studied in other university. ©     My parents wish they hadn’t driven to Florida.  z If only I hadn’t eaten a huge breakfast this m