

Function Sense Any of the faculties, as sight, hearing, smell, taste, or touch, by which humans and animals perceive estimulity originating from outside or inside the body: a)     My sense of smell tells me that dinner is ready. b)    Their operation or function; Sensation c)     A feeling or perception produced through the organs of touch, taste, etc., or resulting from a particular condition of some part of the body: to have a sense of cold. d)    A faculty or function of the mind analogous to sensation: the moral sense. e)    Any special capacity for perception, estimation, appreciation, etc.: a sense of humor. Sensitive Is physical or emotional. If your emotions are easily swayed, you are sensitive. If your sense of touch is very good, you are sensitive. Sensible Is mental. If you ...


FORM FUNCTION EXAMPLES Comparative + and + comparative. More and more +   multisyllable adjective. Less and less + multisyllable adjective Repeated comparatives are used to describe something that is changing. As a result of social media, it has become easier and easier to maintain friendships around the world. Global corporations are becoming more and ore powerful. These days, it is less common for people to spend their whole lives in the same job. The + more ( + noun ) + verb phras... The + comparative + verb phrase… The + comparative + the + noun + verb phrase… Double comparatives are used to describe how two things are changing at the same time, or how one thing   changes as a result of a change in something else. The more you study, the   more you learn. The more food you buy from local farmers, the easier it is tuo support the local econ...


Some verbs are rarely used in progressive forms. They are called stative verbs because they usually refer to states or conditions that continue over a period of time, for example, know, prefer or agree. However, some stative verbs commonly have both stative and dynamic uses, with different menanings.   Form Stative (simple verb form) Dynamic use (Progressive verb form) Be Permanent state, general truth. Lupita is married Acting, behaving. Michael is being really weird. Have Possession, characteristics. I have five minutes before class starts. Causing, experiencing. I´m having problems with my car. See Notice, observe, and understand. Do you see what I mean? Meet or date. They´ve been seeing each other for a while. Think Have an opinion. I think it’s a good idea.   The process of thought. I was thinking about it all day Exam...